- The Feynman lectures on physics 3. Quantum mechanics Feynman et al. (1965). See in particular pages 1-5: the two-slit experimentis is placed at the beginning of the treatment of quantum mechanics and is explained according to a scheme henceforth utilized in many other treatments.
- Electron Diffraction at Multiple Slits C. Jönnson, D. Brandt, S. Hirschi Am. J. Phys. 42 (1974) 4 (experiment of interference of many electrons, using the electron microscope and multiple slits)
- An Experiment of Electron Interference O. Donati, G.F. Missiroli and G. Pozzi Am. J. Phys. 41 (1973) 639 (electron interference experiment using the electron microscope equipped with an electrostatic Moellensted & Düker electrostatic biprism).
- On the statistical aspects of electron interference phenomena P.G. Merli, G.F.Missiroli, G. Pozzi Am. J. Phys. 44 (1976) 306 (experiment of interference of single electrons)
- Interferenza e Diffrazione di elettroni: I interferenza (G. Pozzi, G.F. Missiroli, P.G. Merli) , II diffrazione (P.G. Merli, G.F. Missiroli, G. Pozzi) Giornale di Fisica 15 (1974) 163 e 17 (1986) 73 (foundations of diffraction and interference of electrons in the transmission electron microscope) (in italian)
- Demonstration of single-electron buildup of an interference pattern A. Tonomura, J. Endo, T. Matsuda, T Kawasaki Am. J. Phys. 57 (1989) 117 (repetition of the experiment of diffraction of single electrons with a more sophisticated instrumentation)
- Electron Interference: Landè Approach Upset by a Recent Elegant Experiment R. Rosa Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 24 (1979) 549 (on a few implications of the Merli-Missiroli-Pozzi experiment)
- The Merli-Missiroli-Pozzi Two-Slit Electron Interference Experiment R. Rosa PhilSci Archive, deposited on January 2008 (an in-depth philosophical treatment on the implications of the Merli, Missiroli & Pozzi experiment)
- The Prism and the Pendulum: The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments in Science by Robert P. Crease (A Random House Trade Paperback - see it on Amazon.com)
- The Merli-Missiroli-Pozzi Two-Slit Electron-Interference Experiment R. Rosa Physics in Perspective, 14 (2012) 178. Article freely available at this link. In this paper Rosa (professor of Statistical Sciences at the Bologna University and formerly researcher at CNR-LAMEL) examines the experiment, places it in historical context, and discusses its philosophical implications.